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Thursday, October 25, 2012

So Much for Mittmentum

Along with many others, I have mocked in recent days the pundit and reporter claim --falling for concerted Romney camp hype--that Mitt was now in the lead and had the "momentum."   This came even though half a dozen respected polls showed Obama won the third debate by wide margins, and some polls showed some movement in HIS direction afterward.  Also: no electoral map outside Karl Rove's have ever showed Romney in the lead.  Oh, and then the little matter of Obama leading in Ohio in virtually every poll.

In reply, some in the media have replied, oh look at the Romney gains in polls--since early October.  No one disputes that, following Obama's flop in the first debate.  The point was the hype THIS week, clearly after Romney had peaked, and based, clearly, on Romney pushing that line.

Now comes Nate Silver's morning assesssment,  based on yesterday's polls, giving Obama his highest chances of winning--up to 71%--since October 9. 

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