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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sunday Morning in the Church of Beethoven

Glenn Gould "sermonizes" with the third bagatelle from opus 126, playing it at perhaps near-record slow pace.

1 comment:

Laurence Glavin said...

Ooops...I couldn't get your link to work, but by going to Youtube and entering "glenn gould" beethoven" and bagatelles" I was able to listen to the 4-minute-and- forty-second traversal. I then went to one by David Fung, and he came in at just about THREE minutes. Big difference. Yesterday (Saturday, 3/2) I attended the Met in HD performance of Wagner's "Parsifal" at the Shalin Liu Performance Center in Rockport, MA (a concert hall with good acoustics to start with, and a phenomenal sound system far better than the sound systems in use at most movie theaters). Is it possible that Gould had been listening to "Parsifal" shortly before this performance, and HIS internal metronome was set at Wagnerian tempo?